Bilkent Uni. Faculty of Computer Engineering
Ventilation And Air Conditioning
All classrooms are implemented with a ventilation system with exhaust and fresh air. In the computer training classes, the cooling system was applied with channel type air conditioner application. Exhaust ventilation is made in the whole building. The project is completed in 12 months. The project is made with partial material.
Used Products:
- 5 Air Handling Units
- 5 Units Cell Aspirator
- 6 Units Air Device with Heat Recovery Exchanger
- 6 Units Type Air Conditioning
Bilkent Uni. Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Ventilation And Air Conditioning
All lecture theatres are air conditioned and air conditioning plants in the project. All rooms are air conditioned with fancoil fittings. The project is completed in 6 months
Used Products:
- 5 Air Handling Units
- 2 Units Cell Aspirator
- 25 Units Fan-coil Device
Bilkent Uni. Faculty of Electrical and Electric Engineering
Ventilation And Air Conditioning
The project consists of 3 amphi, 1 conference hall, 4 laboratory and toilets ventilation and air conditioning system. The project is completed in 8 months.
Used Products:
- 4 Air Conditioner Ventilation Plant
- 2 Exhaust Aspirators
Bilkent Uni. Central Campus Sports Hall
Ventilation And Air Conditioning
All places in the project are ventilated, the air handling unit is heated, and cooled. The air conditioning plant used in the project is 100% demounted and replaced by our company. All ventilation system is manufactured from our side and replaced. The project is completed in 8 months
Used Products:
- 10 Air Handling Units
- 5 Units Cell Aspirator